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Class of 1994

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The 1994 Knight Fellows in standing rows on Stanford steps, grayscale photo.

Fellows are listed alphabetically, with original titles and employers from their fellowship year.

Tom Backmansson — Helsinki, Finland
head of program acquisition, Swedish section, Finnish Broadcasting Co.
Knight Journalism Fellow

Leda Beck — São Paulo
senior editor, Estadão
Knight Foundation Latin American Fellow

Bryan Brumley — New York, New York
Moscow bureau chief, Associated Press
Knight Journalism Fellow

Kate DeSmet — Detroit, Michigan
staff writer, religion, The Detroit News
Knight Journalism Fellow

Douglas Foster — Albany, California
journalist, freelance 
Knight Journalism Fellow

Robert Garrett — Louisville, Kentucky
political columnist, reporter, The Courier-Journal
Knight Journalism Fellow

Tabita Gunawan — Jakarta, Indonesia
reporter, Jakarta Post
Reuters Foundation Fellow

Michelle Johnson — Boston, Massachusetts
copy desk supervisor, The Boston Globe
Knight Journalism Fellow

Kim Komenich — San Francisco, California
staff photographer, San Francisco Examiner
Knight Journalism Fellow

Desmond Latham — Johannesburg, South Africa
chief reporter, Radio 702
Reuters Foundation Fellow

Bob Minzesheimer — Washington, D.C.
White House, political editor, USA Today
Knight Journalism Fellow

Mary Murphy — New York, New York
producer "48 Hours", CBS News
Knight Journalism Fellow

David Schrieberg
Mexico City bureau chief, Sacramento Bee
Knight Journalism Fellow

Jason Seiken — Quincy, Massachusetts
city and suburban editor, The Patriot Ledger
Knight Journalism Fellow

Jeffrey Simpson — Toronto, Canada
national affairs columnist, Ottawa, The Globe and Mail
Knight Journalism Fellow

Maria Speck — Munich, Germany
editor, reporter, Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Knight Journalism Fellow

Philip Trounstine — San Jose, California
political editor, San Jose Mercury News
Knight Journalism Fellow

Don Williamson — Seattle, Washington
editorial columnist, Seattle Times
Knight Journalism Fellow

Mitsuhiro Yoshida — Hiroshima, Japan
staff editor, Chugoku Shimbun
Knight Journalism Fellow